Friday, July 29, 2011

Pok?mon: A Trainer's Destiny (Advanced Pok?mon RP)

Looking for smart, dedicated writers interested in a very free Pok?mon adventure. To find out more, follow the link in my signature. Here is a part of the introduction:

There comes a time in nearly every young person's life that he or she decides to embark on a journey with Pok?mon. It's a life-changing experience - a brand new adventure full of joy, sorrow, struggles, and friendship. Every day children leave their homes, eyes gazing into the sky, the dream of one day reaching the stars reflecting within them.

They soon find, however, that the world they've imagined, shining and full of Pok?mon and fun, glows with a darker aura. The path they'd mapped out in their heads for years twisted with detours. The people they met were not T.V. characters, and some of them had the worst of intentions. They grow. They learn the world is a complicated place, only made all the more confusing by Pok?mon. They learn to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the most sinister human mind and heart. They learn of hatred, of jealousy, of evil.

But don't be discouraged. For every pain and trial endured, an equally powerful experience of joy, happiness, and love is found. They learn trust, the value of teamwork, friendship, and what it means to be a good man or woman.

It is time for you to embark on that journey. It will not be an easy one by any means, but you've spent a few extra years preparing; you could consider yourself "ahead of the game". Just last week you attended your final lesson at your city's local Pok?mon Academy. It has prepared you and taught you all the technicalities of the Pok?mon: battling, training, contests, moves, typing, status, items, and the like. All students were given their own Pok?dex to use as part of the class, which was available for purchase for a discounted price at the end of the program. As a typical graduation present, your parent(s) or guardian(s) have both paid for your Pok?dex and gotten you your very first Pok?mon. But the rest? well the rest is up to you.

If you're interested and want to keep reading, follow the link below. Hope to see you soon! :)


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