Thursday, August 9, 2012

How To Diet For Arthritis ? Tips For Diet In Arthritis

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Tips For Diet In ArthritisOne of today?s most common lifestyle diseases is ?arthritis?. So like every lifestyle disease, arthritis also can be controlled /contained and managed by well thought-out diet plan.

Think of a diet, which comprises of foods that help control the disease and is devoid of foods that aggravate the symptoms / pain by causing further harm to the affected joint/s. This can be achieved only when you first know the causes of your disease well, later its effects and cure (if possible).

After you know what are the causes / effects of arthritis, you can grasp well why certain foods aren?t good if you?re suffering from this condition. For example, arthritis patients must know that they have to ?eat foods rich in calcium? and ?low in phosphorus? always. So to ensure this, foods with high sugar content must be avoided because sugar eats away calcium.

Likewise, avoid foods that cause inflammation. In simple words, ?know your food?. As in what basic elements are they made of and what does that element do to your body.?Thereby, following are some commonly eaten food stuffs, with their nutritional content and their effects on the affected body part, which you must avoid as an arthritis patient:

Food To Avoid In Arthritis

Dairy Products For The Deed

Especially cheese, butter, margarine and other fatty stuffs: These are known to have a compound called Purine in them. Purine converts into uric acid, which in turn settles in the joints. Also, because of the excess fat in them, these foods cause weight issues so should be avoided.

Sugar And Sugary Food Stuffs

Diet for arthritis

These are high in calories leading to weight gain, so must be limited. You can substitute artificial / processed sugar with natural sugar found in most fruits.

Fried / Oily Food Stuffs

Again, oily foods high in cholesterol & fat, must be avoided. They would only add to your predicament.

Red Meat And The Alike

Diet in arthritis

Meats, especially red meat, increase your cholesterol levels and cholesterol causes inflammation. These also should be avoided for the Purine compound they have in them in abundance. So some researchers have easily concluded that meat has potential bad effect on your joints.

Caffeine And Alcohol

These are a very well known health hazard if taken beyond suggested quantities.


Due to its very high sugar content, avoid it as much as you can. Foods that belong to the night shade family like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant etc.: Though it?s not certain yet that these foods may cause harm in arthritis, you may opt to examine their reaction to your condition, individually. Once you any allergic reaction due to any of these, avoid them.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Diet in arthritis

They are mostly found in vegetable oils and cause inflammation.


A type of protein found in most grains. It is known to cause inflammation in some kinds of arthritis.

This isn?t the exhaustive list of ?foods not to be eaten in arthritis?, but the list of foods to avoid in general, in order reducing the symptoms which are common to all kinds of arthritis. Deduced directly from the above that you may do good to avoid all the foods that makes you put on weight easily. That?s simple because more your body weight would be, the more would be the pressure on your joints in doing any physical activity.

The basic idea of giving you a list is to emphasize the need of awareness surrounding your food. Only what you eat is going to affect your health; in good or bad ways. So eat what?s good and avoid what?s not, for your disease.?Also, you will do well if you follow these simple food related tips as well:

Go Natural

It?s a matter of common sense that processed foods aren?t right for keeping good health. That?s because they have preservatives in them. So avoid them as much as possible.

Also Read

Remove Arthritis Foods From Your Diet
Diet Tips For Arthritis
Foods To Avoid With Arthritis

Eat Vegetarian More Often Than Not

Diet in arthritis

Veggie diet is safest as in it has the least amount of fats in them. That automatically helps you keep your weight in check. Extra weight puts an extra pressure on your joints. This extra pressure would only cause more pain, swelling and thus more deterioration.

Know Your Body

Observing what foods have what effect on your body helps a great deal, much more than you actually think. Each body is unique. So study your own body to pick out foods that have negative impact on your health.

Know The Other Ailments That You Might Have

It?s important to know all your health problems at the same time. While one thing might not be good for you in arthritis, it may be a good source of elements needed for another of your problem. You will have to look for options to substitute that element, with some other food type which isn?t even harmful for arthritis.

Remember, options are a plenty, so never worry! You?ll always have much more ?to eat? than what you?ll have ?to avoid?. Simply, ?know what you should eat to know what you shouldn?t.?

The idea of all this knowledge is to enable you to restore the lost balance of the various elements in your body, due to one or many reasons.

Tips For Diet In Arthritis, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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