Monday, October 3, 2011

Find Out How to Treat Childhood Obesity - Health

Find Out How to Treat Childhood Obesity

Because of the abundance of fast food and the predominance of technology gizmos, childhood obesity is now threatening our kids lives with diseases that once only affected only adults. A recent study by the American Medical Association estimates about 14 percent of children 2 to 5 years old, about 19 percent of kids 6 to 11 years old and about 17.5 percent of teenagers are obese. Trying to find how to treat childhood obesity requires we look at some of the obesity statistics that shows the causes and also how we can help induce a healthy weight loss.

It is not easy been fat as a kid. I was obese as a kid and the teasing from other kids and some adults was merciless. People whispered behind my back, you need to lose weight or stay off the fast food. It got so bad, i refused to go out and play. My self esteem suffered and followed me into adulthood. As a kid i wished my parents talked to me about good body mass index or enrolled me in any childhood obesity prevention program. All i got was more love, expressed with having all the snacks i wanted and that made my life a living hell.

If you have an obese kid, the best time to help is now and you should be implementing a healthy weight loss program. Please do not become sensitive when trying to help your child with obesity problem. What they need is tough love and the truth about what causes obesity and the damage it can do health wise and self esteem wise. Below are some of the childhood obesity causes and obesity prevention tips to get you in the right direction.

How to Treat Childhood Obesity ? Food Control

The biggest cause of childhood obesity is too much consumption of food. Yes, food refers to anything that goes into our mouth and swallowed. That would also include all snacks, drinks etc. The only thing excluded is water. Have you noticed how obese kids, have obese parents. I can tell you , it would be almost impossible to get your children to lose weight if you?re obese. Children mimic their parents regardless of what you might think. So as you encourage your kid to lose weight, be part of the effort if you?re obese.

Start by completely changing your diet and food purchases. Do not do it slowly, because that would only create failure mechanisms. You need to introduce your obese child to a calorie counting calculator. Get them to think before they eat. Change your brand of cereal and only buy one box at a time. Buy low fat milk and only buy one container. Replace all the sugary drinks you used to buy with bottled water. Encourage you kid to drink at least a cup of water before each meal.

Buy a nice blender and start making your own juices, using only natural original fruits like apples, grapes, plums, bananas etc. Please do not put into your smoothie any sugar, honey, yogurt etc. Use only natural fruits and ice. Eliminate all sweet drinks from your household. Do not be tricked by the cute labeling that trick your brain into thinking they?re good for you. You?re the adult and it might be time you started acting like one, by buying foods that will help your child lose weight.

Remember that, all processed foods like fries, burgers, chips plus fried chicken contain lots of calories and very unhealthy oils that contribute to unhealthy weight gain. You need to introduce your kid to a good home cooked healthy meal.

How to Treat Childhood Obesity ? Physical Activities

Please have your kid see a doctor to determine his or her body mass index. Immediately introduce some physical activities into your child?s life. Watching television or playing video games is not exercising. Encourage bike riding, walking or backyard basketball. All physical exercise must induce sweating and also healthy weight loss. Do not let your kid seat in front of the television and while away time. Create a weight loss exercising routine to help treat childhood obesity and make sure you enforce it.

Some of the childhood obesity prevention tips would only work if you as the parent is also in shape or participate in any healthy weight loss program you design for your kid. Finding the best how to treat childhood obesity is not easy, but some of the above tips should get you moving in the right direction.


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