OH, are you listening, miladies, and, notmydudes ? I guess, hmmm, then, I was 'just saying,' wasn't I?
And, saying 'it' outLOUD ! Ah, the reverie of romance, dreamily crept did it just creep...
Ok, I've SNAPPED OUT OF IT , so, let's say you really like a girl online you speak to a lot after having got to know her in a relationship, long distance kind, 1000+ miles seperate she and you.
I did like one girl once online, just for example's sake, I spoke with her in PM (private message) all the time on c.c., for a year straight, back in 2007 and, after a year off, 2008 . But I never would go see her, sure, yes, she invited me, in a roundabout way to see her, I knew a lot of her job and life and we connected.....
....but, and, yes, the Lord leads, I was not willing to go see her 1000+ miles away from me. I, personally, in this 3-year span, was financially up and down, and, that did affect my decision not to go see what happens. The Lord was not making it feel right I only knew her by words too, she sent me her picture but I never opened the file. You got mail ! But, no, never did I open it. Ok, just saying....
If all you have is money, from God's gift to you and a flexible job, would you go from, say, Washington to South Carolina, just to MEET a girl ??
Would 'job,' 'money,' influence your 'true love' for this girl/guy? What about 'family,' 'friends'?
Quick confession, I've said this before but, yes, I did watch reality show, ABC's 'The Bachelorette,' this past season, and, Emily, the girl seeking love started off with around 15 guys, and, through weekly elimination, met, in the end, Jeff, a guy with an infectious smile and a knack for making marionettes dance into 'love.' These twos' relationship was not online, 'course, it was popular reality tv show they met, as shows played out in episodes an hour, or, two long, weekly, for 9 weeks, or, so.
So, in the finale of this season's 'The Bachelorette,' Jeff said 'engaging' words to Emily, like below, very close, but I do paraphrase:
Jeff: I know that sometimes things just are right between two people and where God has put two people together in His time, and, this is one of those times. Will you marry me?
Yes, I know, I'm a dead-on romantic at heart, and, I pray The Lord keeps me following Him as shows like 'The Bachelor(ette) can muddy our thinking and make us think we need some well-off hunk or hunkette, think a 'fantasy suite' is,OK (it's not!) and, generally, can cheapen love. Again, I pray The Lord leads you in all you say and do, and, watch, may 'it' bring glory to Him
So, let's rabbit along here and ask you how far would you go IF you met that one you think COULD BE from God, knowing, like Jeff, that you in Arizona living would be NOW going to Emily's North Carolina town to live BEFORE being married, or, just Jeff moving to Emily's area after two are married. And, by the way, this info of never-married Jeff moving TO hometown of married-once Emily (and her six-year-old daughter, Rikki) was learned in the two's plans , from Jimmy Kimmel Live show last night.
far would / will you go to find true love?
And, do you understand the responsibility and potential heartache of that kind of long-distance investment ???
Will you, like Jeff, travel 2000, or so, miles from your work and family to her hometown after meeting her ?
Does the real reality show, now, to YOU, of seriousness of understanding all that ARE online relationships, of them potentially sounding almost as unsexy as the responsibility of a single young lady not choosing to go out with guys because for no other reason than she don't want to chance sex leading to being an unwed.....
....mother. And, that reason, with the Lord leading, is reason enough to be AFRAID of even getting into a long distance online relationship? Sure. That is a very real fear for ladies.
Or, for guys, will you really CHOOSE online love of some distance-girl a long ways from your hometown IF it means potentially leaving friends and family a long ways from you ?
God bless you, all, my Christ peeps, for praying always before/during/after all you do and say in life, and, watch, and, of course, for all you kindleholics out there, what you read.
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